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Replace animal testing with durable alternatives

Freeze-Dried OP50 / HB101

In C.elegans research, nematodes need to be fed with a consistent quality foodsource to reduce variablity between studies. This foodsource, commonly found Eschericia coli's, have conventionally grown for decades. It is a beneficial microbe living in symbiosis with C.elegans. Biovirid's freeze dried OP50 and HB101 is specifically designed to reduce batch variability and as a solution to save significant preparation times. It is now possible to start your experiment off the shelf.


Biovirid's workflow allows full control over the growth conditions starting from fermentation all the way up to the freeze-drying process. This allows for contaminant free products with high nutritional values, no batch variety in a format that allows users to start experiments within minutes.


* Previously sold as LabTIE

Increase efficiency

Time Saves Freezedried.png

Reduce experimental variation


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Betsy van Goorstraat 72

6702DC, Veenendaal
The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 81187544

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