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Een biostimulant is een stof of micro-organisme die, wanneer toegepast op planten of bodem, natuurlijke processen stimuleert om de opname van voedingsstoffen, de efficiëntie, de tolerantie voor abiotische stress en de gewaskwaliteit te verbeteren. Biostimulanten bieden geen directe voeding aan planten, maar bevorderen de groei en de gezondheid door de fysiologische en biochemische mechanismen te verbeteren die de groei en ontwikkeling van planten controleren.

Biostimulants can be made from a wide range of organic or inorganic sources, including plant extracts, seaweed, humic substances, beneficial microorganisms, and synthetic compounds. They are generally applied in small quantities and can be used in conjunction with fertilizers, pesticides, and other crop management practices.

The use of biostimulants in agriculture is becoming increasingly popular as a sustainable way to improve crop yields and quality while reducing the reliance on synthetic inputs. However, biostimulants are still a relatively new category of agricultural inputs, and more research is needed to better understand their mechanisms of action, efficacy, and potential environmental impacts.

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